It was first introduced with the Armv8-A architecture. ARMv8-A represents a fundamental change to the ARM architecture. It adds an optional 64-bit architecture, named AArch64, and the associated new A64 instruction set.


The architecture provides 31 general purpose registers. Each register can be used as a 64-bit X register, or as a 32-bit W register. When a w register is written, the top 32 bits of the 64-bit register are zeroed.

Register(s) Size Description
Rn 64 General register (0-30)
Xn 64 General register (0-30)
Wn 32 General register (0-30)
XZR 64 Zero register
WZR 32 Zero register
SP 64 Stack register
PC 64 Program counter; incremented by four bytes

There is a separate set of 32 registers (v0-v31) used for floating point and vector operations. These registers are 128-bit, and like the general-purpose registers, can be accessed in several ways. When the V form is used, the register is treated as being a vector.

Register(s) Size Description
Vx 128  
Qx 128  
Dx 64  
Sx 32  
Hx 16  
Bx 8  

Procedure Call Standard

Register(s) Significance Description
R0-R7   Parameter and result
R8 XR Indirect result
R9-R15   Corruptible
R16 IP0 Intra-procedure-call corruptible
R17 IP1 Intra-procedure-call corruptible
R18 PR Platform
R19-R23   Callee-saved
R24-R28   Callee-saved
R29 FP Frame
R30 LR Link

In Arch64 state, the PC is not a general purpose register and you cannot access it explicitly. The following types of instructions read it implicitly:

The only types of instructions that can write to the PC are:

System Calls

There are special instructions for making such system calls. These instructions cause an exception, which allows controlled entry into a more privileged Exception level.


mov	x8, #93
svc	#0


svc	#44